Call me a copy cat. I don't mind at all. I saw my sister's blog and found her 2010 in pictures and think I should do mine.
There were not so much memorable things happen in my 2010 but I'm trying to count my blessings...
I didn't expect any celebration for my birthday, but my family woke me up to blow the candles. This explain why my boy still in pyjama :-)
My boy celebrated his birthday with his class-mates and teacher at his kindergarten!
And also got his birthday presents from his grandpa, uncles, aunty, cousins and he had a great fun with them..

February also became more special with my cousin's visit from Netherlands. We went to Sentosa and had local sight seeing.

My new nephew born in February. Welcome to this planet, dear!

Still in February, we went to the beach to pray for my mother in laws who left us a year ago to stay with God.

The last occasion in February is Chinese New Year.. My boy enjoyed receiving ang bao from relative

My son and I enjoyed outing with friends from our Brisk Walking Club. We visit Singapore botanical garden.

And won a lucky draw

Due to financial matter, I have to improve myself in order to get a job. So I attended CRM course

Still due to financial matter, Hubby wanted to rent out his 'second wife', a Mitsubishi Lancer, so we took it to a beautiful spot near our house and took a picture together (but at the end we still keep it until Nov 10)

I managed to get my first job after being a house wife for more than 6 years. 2 weeks later, I changed my job and I found the second love of my life.. $$$$

My cousin and my aunt came to visit us again

We had a lunch outing to celebrate my niece birthday

One morning on my way to the office I saw this and grab my camera that always ready in my bag

I had to post this photo of my boy who looks sooo handsome (at least to me). This picture was taken in our family outing to celebrate birthdays that actually in June but we celebrated earlier in May 2010

What is this???

Well, congrats if you guess it right! But sorry.. no reward for you.. lol
For the one who have no clue, hmm.. that is my boy first 'adult' tooth
Our friend from Malaysia came to visit us

My 'monkey' boy on our visit to Johor

Nothing happier than having my Mom. She visited us for a month in August

And we had another family dinner outing

On moon cake festival.. everybody played with the lantern, I tried hard to take photo of my son with the moon!
Blame on my lousy camera and the model which can not stayed still.. (don't blame on me) I can only make this.. (so far away from my expectation.. I promised! next time will be better)

Outing on Children Day

Volunteer in my son scholl's Zoo Trip

Brian graduation - Good Bye Kindergarten..

My 6 years old son was bored during the holiday so he wrote an invitation letter and sent it out without telling me..

To prevent another invitation to be sent out, I took my boy out to enjoy shows during his scholl holiday

This time really had to say good bye to our Mitsubishi..

CHRISTMAS on the air..
We went to town to see the Christmas light!

And my best Christmas present..

That is... My Mom.. She came again to visit us. This time she will stay longer.
Hope you all had a great Christmas presents and had a fantastic New Year too!